Cheers to 9 Years

Never did I understand why or how of the cause of me being diagnosed with cancer. I was confused, disappointed, hurt. You name it! But there was one thing that I knew that I could not loose within this process, and that was My Faith and Hope in God. At the time that I was going through my battle with cancer, my Faith in God was not as strong as it is today. I knew that God would take care of me, I just did not know how or when. I got tired of the pain and suffering that I went through. There were times when I seriously wanted to give in and quit, and just tell my parents “This is it", “I am tired”, “Let me go”. But I held on, I kept fighting until the race was finished and although there are things I regret, I do not regret the gift of life. I had to remember that God said in HIS WORD, in Jeremiah 29:11 that “He Knows the Plans that He has for me…”.

Anniversaries are a time of celebration, a time of remembrance. This type of Anniversary is different for me, because this is almost like my 2nd Birthday. The day where I began a new life, a second chance at life. I became free from sickness, free of a deadly disease. I tell God thank you for the many blessings He has bestowed upon me within the last 9 years. The things He has allowed me not to go through, even the things He has allowed me to go through. The crazy after effects from chemo, and radiation therapy, the surgeries. God has truly kept me within the last 9 years. I may have scars, I may have damage, and I may have conditions that doctors say are uncurable and that may last for a lifetime, but one thing I can say is that I have life, and life more abundantly. I may not like how cancer has changed my life in certain areas, but I am thankful to still be in the land of the living. I am not complaining because it could have been worst. I am thankful to be able to celebrate 9 years today. It is truly a blessing to know that 9 years ago I was not pronounced dead from cancer. I am forever grateful that my parents are not grieving the lost of their Oldest son 9 years ago.

I encourage you to celebrate your long comings, even your shortcomings because God is truly amazing. It is truly a blessing to know that I do not look like the hell that I have really been through within the last 9 years! That is enough to tell God Thank you For! Happy Anniversary to me! #9YearsFree #CancerFree #WontHeDoIt

If you would like to plant a Seed into Anthony’s life in honor of his 9 year Anniversary

CashApp: $FaithChild97


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